Hannah Part Auto Parts Production Group

Acquaintance with customers of Hannah Part auto parts production group

Hana Part auto parts manufacturing group, using the latest and most updated machines and furnaces for melting and heat treatment and engineered design of production lines with the ability to self-control parts and using experienced engineers and trained personnel in us, in addition to being present in the domestic markets, It is trying to enter the regional and global markets.

What sets us apart from our competitors.It is believed to have a strong quality control laboratory to guarantee production quality.Our rule is to make calibrated gauges and multi-gauges before producing any part. By following this law, product production with possible quality and consumer satisfaction is achieved.

Hannah Part Auto Parts Production Group

“HWS Disamatic Casting with German Automatic Production Line”


Customer reviews​

Wheel Hub

Quality is the first word here!

The Hana Part collection is managed by Mr. Engineer Beheshti Nasab, whose 30-year teaching experience at Shahid Montazeri Vocational Technical College of Mashhad in the field of construction and production has led to the training of hundreds of engineers and technicians who are a source of pride for him and the country’s industry. It is one of the active collections in It is the field of production of high-quality car parts.

You asked us...​

All products produced by Hannah Part brand have a one-year warranty


Sending all products to Mashhad and other cities will be free of charge if the purchase limit is met.


The parts produced in the Hana Part collection are checked in the quality control laboratory and then placed in the production cycle.


Yes. To get more detailed information, please call the numbers of the Hannah Part collection so that our experts can guide you:

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